In another big step to making their program better for everyone, AIR MLES has expanded the Cash Miles <> Dream Miles transfer option to Blue collectors. When launched in 2024 the transfer option was only made available to Gold and Onyx Collectors so this is great news to see it now available to all collectors. In addition to this change, AIR MILES has also launched a full time option to be able to buy miles.
Cash Miles < > Dream Miles transfer
AIR MILES collectors who do not hold status in the program, who are better known as “Blue” collectors can now transfer miles between their Dream Miles and Cash Miles accounts. This completes the last stage of this option that AIR MILES had set out and promised to do in late 2023.
With this option Blue collectors will be allowed to transfer up to 500 miles annually between their Dream and Cash Miles. For reference, Gold collectors are allowed up to 1,000 miles annually while Onyx collectors are provided with unlimited transfers.
How to transfer miles from Cash Miles to Dream Miles & vice versa
Once you log in to your AIR MILES account you’ll see the option to “Transfer Miles” on your dashboard right below your account balances and earning preference:
When you click on the Transfer Miles link it will take you to the transfer miles page:
To initiate and complete a transfer simply click on which direction you want to move miles Cash to Dream or Dream to Cash (you’ll see the above Dream to Cash is highlighted as that was selected), input the amount of miles you would like to transfer and click the transfer button. That’s all there is to it.
You’ll see in the example above the Dream to Cash option shows 1,000 Dream Miles available to transfer. My account actually has more Dream Miles than that but since I am only a Gold collector I have the annual 1,000 mile transfer limit.
New Buy Dream Miles Option
AIR MILES Collectors ca now buy miles to add to their Dream Miles balance at a rate of $0.20 per mile in increments of either 100, 200, 500, or 1,000 per transaction. You would only use this option to top off for an award you have in mind, and by top off, I mean maybe a 100 miles here or there.
Unlike other loyalty program buy miles options (and bonuses) there are very few opportunities in AIR MILES (almost zero these days) to be able to get over 20 cents per mile in value when redeeming. So, please do not buy miles just for the sake of buying miles. If they start offering bonuses for doing so, and most likely they will, it will take some big bonuses or discounts (Think 100% bonus or 50% discount) to make buying miles worthwhile outside of buying just a few to reach a reward.
If I recall correctly, AIR MILES has had a buy miles option in the past but that may have only been a limited offer? Perhaps some of the RWRDS Canada community has a better memory than me (If you ask my family it’s doesn’t take a lot to have a better memory than me 😉 ) and let us know in the comments if you recall there being an AIR MILES buy miles option in the past.
Images via AIR MILES