Get 50% back in points when you redeem Petro-Points

Petro-Points Biggest Points Event: Redeem points and get 50% back!

Earlier today I posted about a mystery offer coming from Petro-Canada’s Petro-Points program. It didn’t take long to find out what the event is thanks to the RWRDS Canada community! Harry B, who has been following RWRDS Canada for as long as I can remember has provided us with the details of the offer and I must say it’s a pretty amazing one!

Harry found out about the offer at a Petro-Canada station in Windsor that has put a poster up for the event. Perhaps they weren’t supposed to yet as the Petro-Canada site has a countdown timer making it seem like it is a mystery event…

Here is the photo that Harry snapped:


Redeem and get 50% back in points

As you can see from the photo the offer provides Petro-Points members with 50% back in points when then redeem their points between November 17 and 27, 2023. Based on the poster it is good for any reward up to $500! So if you redeem 500,000 points for a $500 in rewards you will receive 250,000 points back! That’s simply awesome. This is a great promotion that is maybe Suncor’s way of making up for the all those months of issues earlier this year with the cyber security breach they had.

What we are not sure of yet is if this promotion is offered on multiple redemptions or only one redemption during this period? And if it is for multiple redemptions, is it for a total of up to $500 in rewards or can it be $500 per redemption? Unfortunately I can’t read the small print on the poster so if you happen to see this poster at your local Petro-Canada let us know if you find out the details.

Some more details:

  • Max. 100,000 points per redemption which means you can redeem up to 5 times
  • Only valid at Petro-Canada stations or online with Petro-Canada

Wrapping it up

An amazing redemption promotion from Petro-Points is launching this Friday. If you were planning on redeeming points I would wait until then if you can. Both Harry and I are kicking ourselves as we just redeemed a good chunk of points last week as we were unaware of this promotion! Whether its gas (plus save 3 cents per litre with your RBC card), car washes (plus you can get 2 bonuses washes for every 5 washes redeemed for until Jan 8) or convenience store items, if you redeem points between November 17 to 27 you’ll receive 50% of them back.

Click here to learn more about this offer


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Title image via Suncor
Offer photo courtesy of Harry B.